First Aid Classroom

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Sexually transmitted diseases, otherwise known as STDs are diseases and

First Aid Classroom
First Aid Classroom

infections acquired through sexual contact with an infected person. Infections caused by organisms not generally considered to be STDs such as the one caused by G. lamdia which is usually associated with contaminated water can also be passed on or transmitted through sexual contact.

Sexual transmitted diseases are the most common types of infectious diseases in the world and are even considered an increasing epidemic in most parts of the world.  Portals of entry of STD-causing microorganisms and sites of infection include the skin, mucosal linings or the urethra, cervix, vagina, rectum and the oropharynx.

Information dissemination of sexual transmitted diseases

To determine the most effective methods of communicating information about sexual transmitted diseases to people between 25 and 45 years old of age (those who are at high risk in acquiring STDs), various countries through their centers for disease control and prevention are imploring various methods to help this focused group in disseminating information regarding infection prevention and treatment methods of various sexually transmitted infections. These groups of individuals proposed that using straightforward language and personal testimonials, developing materials for targeted audiences (e.g. people who want information about protecting themselves), and conducting presentations in trusted establishments such as churches and health care facilities might be effective in the campaign to promote safe, healthy practices concerning sexual health.

Educating the general public about sexual transmitted diseases

Education about the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases includes information about risk factors and behaviors that can lead to infection included are the proper use of barrier methods such as condoms in significantly reducing the transmission of many types of STDs. The use of a condom as a protective barrier from the transmission of STD related organisms is strongly promoted by the World Health Organization. Barrier methods such as the use of condoms are very effective in the prevention of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus which causes AIDS. At first referred to as a method to ensure safe sex, the use of condoms has been shown to effectively reduce and not fully eliminate the transmission of HIV and other STDs. Accordingly, the term safer sex implies the public health message to be used when promoting the use of condoms.

Challenges in the treatment of sexual transmitted diseases

STDs provide a unique set of challenges for nurse, physicians, and public health officials primarily because of the social stigma patients might feel when seeking treatment. Moreover, the possible threat to emotional relationships hinder most people afflicted with STDs in seeking medical health in a timely fashion. Similar to any other infectious diseases, STDs progress without any signs of clinical manifestations. A delay in diagnosis and treatment is potentially harmful because the risk of complications for the infected person and the risk of transmission to others substantially increase over time. Moreover, when an individual who is sexually active with several sex partners predisposes several of his/her partners in exponentially infecting many individuals the longer the person refuses to undergo diagnosis and treatment. Infection with one STD suggests possibility of infection with other diseases as well. After one type of infection is identified, diagnosis for other possible infections should be performed. The possibility of HIV infection should be strongly pursued when any sexually transmitted diseases are diagnosed.

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