CPR Training

CPR Training Is Not Just another Online Course

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In today’s digital world, you can learn almost anything online. There are countless online course providers where you can enrol and learn basic or advanced skills that range from arts to sciences to sports and just about any practical thing. It’s not surprising to find online CPR courses – in fact, there are lots of them really. If you simply want to learn about the theories, perhaps these courses would serve you good, but don’t expect to acquire the necessary skills needed to save a life by just reading or participating in these “classes”. Without physical or actual practice, any CPR course is futile – it’s all academic.

If you want to learn CPR, you should enrol in CPR training course offered by CPR Trainingorganizations such as St Mark James. These training courses would provide you not just with the theory part of CPR but also focuses on the skills part. CPR is a physical skill and requires hands-on training. Physical practice is a vital component of a CPR class. workplace approved training courses provide participants with maximum hands-on time in their sessions. The trainers ensure that all participants learn the right physical skill.

Just consider CPR as a sport – let’s say swimming. While you can learn the mechanics of swimming by reading a self-help book, it does not guarantee that you’ll be able to swim when you are immersed in deep water. Some people may claim they can do it but not everyone is as gifted as them. You would need to go to a swimming pool to actually learn how to swim.

Although you can find many online CPR courses to have course offerings patterned after the AHA and workplace approved guidelines, they lack the skills module wherein participants are trained at how to properly administer compressions and rescue breaths. Just because a program follows the established workplace approved or AHA standards does not mean they are legitimate.

Many of these online course providers even award a CPR certification that supposed to attest to your proficiency. After completing the course in the comforts of your own home, you simply print it out and use it for whatever purpose. It’s so easy, except that these certifications are not often recognized by employers because it isn’t approved by St Mark James. Some online courses may actually be honoured but since they lack hands-on training, you may be required to take it once more.

To avoid these situations, you should enrol only through workplace approved or a workplace approved-approved CPR training provider. St Mark James Training through its local chapters offers training programs throughout the year. You can contact your local workplace approved chapter for schedules. Aside from CPR classes, you could also find other training courses.

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